Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Flat tire, bicycle to Billund, more rain and no place for the night.

I had a nice breakfast with John and Marianne including a soft boiled egg from their chickens. Then I just had to play their piano for a bit.

When I went downstairs to pack Silver, her back tire was flat. Oh No! I pumped it up and waited for about half an hour but the air was staying in so I loaded her up, hugged my new friends goodbye and was off to another wet, rainy day.

The paths and roads were nice but a little sunshine would have helped with the pictures.
Sunflowers beside the corn fields

Then finally I came across an area that had heather or they call it lavender. I took photos on the move as I bicycled along a fair stretch of it.

Then it disappeared and it was back to farm fields again. Most of the crops have been hayed and these big circular bales are waiting to be picked up.

There were dark, threatening skies all day.

A set of mailboxes

Interesting ?

I still see these white and orange roofed churches everywhere.

It started to pour and I took refuge in this tunnel.

I don't have any photos of me in my complete rain gear but it would scare anyone.

Finally after 60 plus kilometers I made it to Billund. All day I had checked my phone off and on because 2 days ago I had put in 10 requests for places to stay and at this point I had not heard back from any of them which was a bit of a dilemma.

I came into town exactly at a place where I could hear sounds from Legoland rides. I continued up the street and saw a young man having a smoke under a gazebo so I thought I would ask him if he knew of any rooms to rent. Isaac took my cards and tried his best for me even calling his landlord but with no luck. 
I went further down the street and talked to this man  but he had just moved here and helped me look up about the app Shelters and there were supposed to be 2 of them about 5 km away but I really didn't want to go farther after bicycling all afternoon. Then I went in the grocery store and asked and one lady suggested Lego Village so off I went.

I passed the building called Lego house. Then I cycled to the village but it was a campground  for campers. I passed some hotels especially one called Castle Hotel which is exactly what it looked like. I went in one called Propellor Hotel (I guess because the airport is close to here). The lady was nice but I could not bring myself to pay over 200 dollars for a room. She looked up some places on her computer and found a room in a house for 130 dollars approximately. So I put it in my navigation and off I went again. Well what a disappointment that when I arrived at that address, there was no house.
Then I gave up with it all and decided to find the shelter. So off I went. After about 4 km. It showed a trail off the road and into the bush. I followed it. Then it ended on my navigation and still showed dotted lines into the bush. I thought to myself that if I died here, no one would ever find me. Finally there were hills that I couldn't push Silver up. So I left her and continued to walk farther and finally I saw a gazebo about 400 meters farther. At least there was one but there was no way I could get there. I went back and picked up Silver and headed back to where I had started. There was a little parking area there with a picnic table and I decided to set up my tent there. As I did it started to rain harder. A couple came by and told me there was an easier way around a bunch of roads to get to the gazebo. But I had everything out and it was pouring so I said I wasn't moving. I set up, unpacked, and crawled in my tent soaking wet.

I used my green towel to wipe up all the water drips. I put on dry clothes and pulled out my dry sleeping bag  I have dragged around freeze dried food just for this purpose so I added cold water and had chicken salad for supper. I messaged John and Marianne that I was here and Marianne actually called me back. It was early to bed for me tonight. It had been quite a day.

Wet stuff inside out on the outside of the tent but everything was dry in the middle of the tent..

I hope my grandchildren will appreciate the Lego pictures that I will hopefully get tomorrow.

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