Tuesday, May 27, 2014

90. Europe Bicycle Trip--The Ferry From Vlieland to Harllngen

The ferry from Vlieland to Harlingen, Friesland left at 5 pm was I was in a line with many bicycles. Since it was Friday, many people came off the ferry to spend the weekend on the island.
The ferry
It was low tide but the ferry follows a deep channel.
Goodbye Vlieland
It was beautiful weather and everyone was sitting in the sun.
It was suppertime so I had my first BAD meal of this trip.
Enjoying the moments
During low tide a lot of sand shows.

Harlingen in the distance
It was now about 7:30pm so I headed to my Friends of the Bicyclers address. I had picked an address on one of the main streets.

Aly and her husband, Ype were my host and hostess for the night.
My bedroom
In the corner was a baby bed for Aly's grandchildren . It was the same style of the baby bed that that my father had made that I had used for my babies.