Wednesday, May 28, 2014

91. Europe Bicycle Trip--Day 31--No Wind Today But Lots of Noisy Frogs

I was up early on May 17. Aly made breakfast for me. She is a former nurse who decided to stay home with her 4 children-2 boys and 2 girls. She likes to go for long walks and will do a 35 km. walk tomorrow.Her husband, Ype is a fisherman. But when the fishing quotas dropped severely in the Netherlands, he and his 3 brothers went to try fishing in Africa. from there they finally finished with 5 fishing boats in Suriname. Aly is home a lot when her husband is away but she gets claustrophobia on boats , so she spends time in her garden. She has one daughter that was in Boston doing social work but she didn't like how many pills that they give to the clients and so she has returned to the Netherlands.Aly visited her there.
The side of the house has a canal there and by the bridge the 11 states skate race goes by there. The bridge and the roof of her house were bombed during the war and had to be rebuilt.

Thank you Aly for a nice visit!
A care farm for people with a handicap to learn skills
Lots of cows
Modern windmills
Nice home
The old and the new
A house and barn-notice the opening
The same 1879 home from the front
My lunch spot by the Slachtedyk
A beautiful day to have lunch by a nice canal
A town in the distance can be spotted by the church steeples


  1. Looks like the weather is really being kind to you. Much better than the weather that we had. But that was fall. Enjoy it!!

  2. It is all so beautiful!! And that looked like one STEEP hill!
