Friday, May 30, 2014

93. Europe Bicycle Trip--Arriving in Drachten --Marjke, The Artist

After 80 km of great cycling on a beautiful day, I arrived at  the home of Marjke Ketting.
Marjke is 84 and lives alone since the death of her husband 23 years ago. She made me a nice cup of tea and later also  a nice supper of salmon, fresh white asparagus and potatoes with yogurt for dessert.
The living room--notice the view from the sliding doors.
A very nice chess board
Marjke in her kitchen
My bedroom--we got internet going and I worked on a few blogs.
The bed was comfortable.
Impressive bathroom
The nicest toilet seat that I have ever seen
Marjke is an artist and has a studio in her upper floor.
Her house is decorated with her art work.
The office area--I showed her how to get into my blog so she can follow my trip. We also looked up the local churches. We had an interesting discussion about religion as I explained to her my beliefs from reading the Bible.There were no local brethren assemblies here so I would continue bicycling the next day and worship alone.
The dunes
The view from her back yard
The view from the art studio balcony
Her side yard from the art studio balcony--Thank you Marjke for sharing your home with me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! What a beautiful home and even more beautiful art work!!!!! I am really enjoying meeting all the friends of bicycles and getting glimpses of their houses!
