Monday, September 25, 2023


Lots of signs as you enter the little sidestreet by the pharmacy- chemin de la pharmacie

More signs

Even cyclists are welcome.

Thomas' 85 year old grandfather, Leon , was born here. The main house is 300 years old. He has renovated and built on to this home himself.  He owned the vineyard and in 1970 when they suffered a bad frost, he  decided to open a bed and breakfast to augment their income. 

The blue accents make it look very nice.

Main entrance to hôtel
The garden

Thomas'grandmother Andrée turned out to be the lady in the street that had shown me the way here when I mentioned Thomas' name.
Thomas' grandmother Andrée was very friendly  and even though she spoke French she tried some English. She grew up and went to school together with Leon. They have been married for 62 years. She is very spry for 85 years of age. They have their own house just down the street and their own garden but during the summer months they live here where Andrée has her own separate  kitchen.

The living room - dining room

When I arrived Leon and Andrée had friends visiting who have been coming for over 30 years to stay in the hôtel.

Goodbye Annie

She and her husband are driving back to Brittany.

Thomas and Chloée don't get to sit much except lunch at 2pm and supper at 8pm.

The cat jumped on his lap.

It is one of two identical cats roaming about.

A former guest reproduced the garden in  these paintings.

These photos on the wall show the vegetables at the farm, a group of harvesters, some of their grapes and a flower.

 Chloée from Auckland ( which she had to show me on the map) has a degree in Agriculture. For a while she worked in Ageiculture control checking that what farmers recorded in numbers or weight etc. was true. Then as the photo shows she was a sheperdess for a while and took care of sheep that weren't healthy. It involved moving to different pastures all the time.

The dishwashing area

The kitchen

Chloée also does preserving of extra vegetables.

Thomas helps to make the meals. I have seen that so often here in France.

They make their own tomato and basil sorbet.

Leon and Andrée spend most of the summer here under this tree just outside her kitchen. Today they were cleaning beans. I had a nice vist with them one afternoon just using Google translate when we didn't seem to understand. It was great!

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