Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A concert in Oldenburg with Iris and her friend, Carla

Iris made tea and we chatted. Both she and Hannes work as windfarm planners. She has bicycled Chile and Argentina and would like to do Afghanistan. She has just returned from a trip to Russia.They both like to camp and often go on short holidays on their bicycles or with his land rover.After a nice supper of salad and bread with Iris and Hannes, Iris and I rode in her painted (by a friend) volkswagon and headed to Oldenburg for a concert by an Irish songwriter and singer. We met her friend, Carla, there. It was in an open square by the  palace of a former high official. There were lots and lots of people. It was a beautiful warm evening. The music turned out to be more pop music than Irish sound but everyone seemed to enjoy it. It was quite loud and standing was hard because people kept walking by with glasses of beer and drinks. After it was over, we went for ice cream and a walk around the central area. We said goodbye to Carla who was on her bicycle. After we arrived home it was bedtime because Iris would get up at 5 and then swim in the lake and head for work. Thank you to Iris and Hannes for their kindness and hospitalty to me. May God bless you both richly.

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