Wednesday, June 11, 2014

104. Europe Bicycle Trip--Cycling Along to Dedemsvaart

A baby girl-Sanne Maike--I like the birth announcements.
I am leaving Groningen and entering Overijssel
This farmhouse has lots of windows in the roof.
This pancake place is named after swans.
The lupins are in full bloom now.
This piece of land has it's own dike surrounding it.
The Ane windmill
Miniature horses
These cows cooperated by looking up. There are lots of farms here.
Watch out! Playing children!
A goat farm
Solar panels
Bible school ?
A milk farm
One of the very few roadside death remembrances that I have seen
Maybe a car accident
# road bumps coming up but they are always nicely graded
A fun park
Another milk farm sign-they are always so nice.
I went down this road and toward these places looking for my friends of the bicycle address but a young mother answered the door and said that I had to go one road farther. Both roads had the same name.
Down the next road was another big milk farm and way down the lane at the very end was the address for tonight
The first thing I noticed was the van with the red sign saying Broos.
This was the home of Eljen and her husband (more in next blog)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading this blog. The lupins are blooming here too. Everything looks so nice and green. Keep trekking and blogging����
