Monday, September 23, 2019

Sunday, September 15th, 2019 Helping Dick and Carla

It was a beautiful day and we had breakfast on the back deck. This morning, Dick asked if I could help him finishing off the work on the hedge. It is a once in the year task. Yesterday he had used his gas cutter to cut  the sides of the hedge. Today he was going to tackle the top which is about 6 feet across. He needed someone to hold the ladder so that it wouldn't topple over and send him into the ditch. I went in to get my rain hat at Carla's suggestion because the cut cedar pieces would be falling over my head.

Dick would cut a section and then we would move the ladder a few feet. I would brace my weight forward against the ladder and also make sure that the outside feet of the ladder stayed on the small boards.
This was my view from the bottom of the ladder but I really couldn't look up or I would get a face full of cedar leaves.
Work progressed slowly but surely. It was definitely harder for Dick than it was for me. He was sweating quite a bit.
At the top

Six feet wide

Good thing for a very long blade.

The dogs walked around, then  lay down and watched.

No help from Victor or Sepp

By coffee time we were almost done the cutting part.

Carla came out and took a video and some photos.

Then we had coffee and tea. Dick also cut down some of the ripe green and purple grapes. They were delicious.
The purple ones came from above the garage door.

There were more of the green ones from the mature vines by the back deck.

After resting and sunning and munching on grapes, it was time to go back and pick up all the cut branches and leaves. Dick would rake and I would do the picking up because of his bad back. I must have done hundreds of squats and knew that I would probably be sore for days after today. We filled and emptied many wheel barrels full. We finished by lunch time and sat out in the sun again.
Dick really likes to sit and relax in the sun and listen to the music from Game of Thrones.

After lunch we took the dogs for a walk and Sepp jumped into the green water.

He swam around for a bit but did not go after the ducks.

Baguera on the eagle statue in the backyard.

She likes to sit up there and watch the birds or butterflies.

I thought Carla was going to the hairdresser to have her hair dyed and I joked about doing it for her. But she was not going anywhere and intended to do it herself and took me up on my offer to help. I have never done it before so I tried to be very thorough. It did turn out but not as light as she had wanted because I had suggested to go with the darker of the two colours so there wouldn't be a drastic change.

Later I trimmed this vine away from the windows and the roof for Dick. Then I had a shower and got dressed to go to Cook's house for supper.

After all Dick and Carla have done for me during my visit, I was happy to be of help to them today.

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