Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Monday, September 9th, 2019 Evening meal with cousins in Apeldoorn at Valk Hotel at Cantharel

This morning I woke early but stayed in the bedroom late and had tea at the morning coffee time. Then I left and bicycled to Tussenweg to Vodafone. It was not open until 12 pm. so I mailed my postcards and then walked around waiting. Later after the Vodafone guy told me twice to move my bicycle, I went in to find out that my 2nd and 3rd phone cards both activated at the same time and were now expiring at the same time and I had to buy another one. I was totally annoyed but didn't say anything. 

I saw 2 of these wooden bicycles with Schiphol on them. Then I bicycled back home and had lunch with everyone and changed from my bicycle clothes to  my good clothes for my outing with the Heeremans and Gerrits relatives. While I was waiting  I talked with Carla who was painting roof tiles with the names of her dead pets who are buried in the backyard.

I followed her out to get two more ceiling tiles.

Pauline and Margot picked up Tante Thea, then Josephine and around 3 o'clock they picked me up last. We had a nice ride in Tante Thea's car to Apeldoorn to Valk Hotel at Cantharel. We were an hour early and went downstairs to have a drink together and visited for an hour. Then we met Theo, Astrid, Lia and Tante Betty upstairs. Marjolein came later and near the end Annelies arrived after finishing work.We hugged and introduced Josephine .
It was a buffet meal where you get up and get your food. There was a great selection. I started with soup-tomato mixed with a scoop of mushroom. Because we were all talking and visiting the meal progressed slowly which was nice. My main plate was a little bit of salmon, mackerel, potato salad, baked potatoes, ribs, meatball, chili, tomatoes and more. Half way through the meal, I moved over to Theo to show him photos of Jan, and Helle and Pia and Pelle. At dessert time I scooped up ice cream and was busy talking to Astrid and Lia and Annelies. It was a very enjoyable evening. Thank you for treating us.

I walked Annelies out. Later we said goodbye to everyone. Lia and Astrid would take Tante Betty back to the train station. Marjolein and Theo were going to have a very busy day tomorrow and they left. I thanked Tante Thea who had paid for our meal. We got in the car with our BOB, designated driver, Pauline. I was dropped off first this time. 

I stayed up with Dick and Carla until 11:30 pm. and then retired because my eyes were so tired.

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