Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 2, Monday, July 15,2013

Barnes to just past Dairyland--79.31 km in 4hrs37 min total 159 km.

I turned onto the main road at 7:30 am  in the morning and lo and behold a few 100 yards down the road was the town park that \i couldn't find yesterday. I stopped at a store and had yogurt, banana and chocolate milk while talking to June and later in Gordon, I had my lunch-peanut butter on a tortilla and a bag of tuna. The lady at the town hall suggested that instead of going up to HWY M, I should go south on 53 and then take T. Well, lots of hills there and at snack time near the Minong Flowage there were a million mosquitoes so I went farther on for a break. I stopped at the dairyland Fire Department but the grass was too wet to camp. The actual town has virtually disappeared so I bicycled farther but saw nothing so finally I walked up a long farming driveway and asked Bill Buchler(86) and his daughterLydia if I could camp in the yard under some trees. They said sure. Lydia went off to work and later I was asked in for icecream with Bill and his other daughter, Penny and visited until dark. Bill was in the airforce and navy and was in WW2 and the Korean war and is partially deaf. He has also worked in the mines. He paints and carves wood. The farm is just grain now. A pack of local wolves killed thier livestock and all small animals in the area. I prayed for protection and actually slept pretty good .

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