Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 66-Wreckhouse was calm

Day 66 Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Distance 93.56 km. Time 5 hr. 2 min. Total so afar 4549.35 km. It was foggy out this morning and a little drizzly. How come the weather reports on the TV and the computer are always different? One said rain while the other said sun. Away we went anyway. After about 7 km. it cleared up as we had climbed up a fair amount. We could see the Table Mountains on our right and then Twin Hills on our left. We soon arrived at the high wind area called Wreckhouse. In this area the winds act strange . They come over the monutains and then meet winds from the ocean and create a curling effect that lifts cars and trailers right up and overturns them. Yesterday the winds here were about 80 km. and that is one reason we didn't continue on after the ferry ride. This morning nice and early it was calm and we had no trouble. We continued on to the Codroy Valley area but did not go off any sideroads as our goal is to get closer to Cornerbrook which is 217 km. away. We met a touring couple from Quebec. Yves and Louise were just finishing their Newfoundland tour and heading for the ferry. I told them we had brought the sun with us from Nova Scotia and they agreed as it was their first good weather day in two weeks. It became hot and humid and so we made sure to drink a lot. On the way up one hill, Dave noticed some plastic bags tied to some trees and a little path where he could see and hear a spring. Down he went to get some nice cool water. We also carry water pills, so if we run out we can take water fromn any of the many brooks and purify it as there are no houses or businesses for very long stretches of the highway. One other tourer passed in the other direction, but he must have been short of time to make a certain ferry because he didn't stop to talk. Traffic was very light and only once during the day many vehicles went by probably after the ferry unloaded. We came to one camp ground which was very overgrown so we proceeded about 5 more km to the Grabbe River Park and since we had dome 93 km. on a very hot day we decided to stop. The next place would have required three more hours on the bicycle. The BUGS are out and healthy in NFL. Why do they love me and avoid Dave? We set up and while the owner took Dave up the next hill to buy some pop and muffins, I went for a swim in a pool in the river where a lady and little girl were cooling off. She said the water was very high this year. She had just driven a daughter up to Fort MacMurray and really wanted to experience the sight and smell of a skunk. I thought that was strange but NFL has no skunks, racoons or snakes. For all the moose they say they have, we saw none on our first day here. After a macaroni and salmon supper, we had to spend about a half hour killing all the black flies that made it into the tent.

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