Sunday, April 13, 2014

2. Europe Bicycle Trip---Preparations and Plans


   Well spring is finally trying to come on the scene. The last week has seen a lot of melting. Our back and front yards are still all covered but the roof of the house is now clear. Hooray. I have 3 days to go before I leave for the Netherlands so I have summer waxed all my skis and they are hanging up. I have done the summer-winter boot turnover as they are all stored away in boxes. I have even been out for one mountain bicycle ride outside which I really enjoyed. The spin classes all winter have made my legs very strong. Silver is partially apart and all tucked into her traveling box. The middle bed upstairs is starting to show again as my suitcase gets packed. It is full and up to the maximum weight so the rest of the items will be in my back pack carry on.
  Sarah , in Gatineau, is packing for herself and little Dane who celebrated his first birthday on April 10th. They will be gone for 10 days so Sarah has been very busy cooking meals and lining up sitters for Tryne and Soren.
    In the Netherlands , my cousin, Margot has her house all ready for our stay. She has borrowed baby equipment for Dane and has researched about tickets and schedules. She has made an agenda for the days that we will be in Akerslot at her house. My Ome Frits and Tante Betty and my cousin, Carola will meet us at the airport and help with our baggage. Margot will show us Amsterdam. My other Ome Jan and Tante Betty will also tour with us when we go to Rotterdam with Carola and I will spend a week hiking and cycling with them.
    I have also emailed a few European missionaries from our missionary prayer handbook and depending on their replies, I will try to visit with them along my journey.
    We are looking forward to our adventure. I will be staying for 3 months and will try to keep up this blog at least once a week or whenever I can get internet access.
Please feel free to pray for us or leave a comment
 or encouragement.

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