Day 92 Sunday, August 8, 2010 Distance 75.52 km. Time 4 hr. 49 min. Total so far 6496.41 km. We didn't sleep well as the teenager in the next tent has a cold and kept coughing. In the morning before we left, we gave her mother, who does triathlons, some cough drops for her that we had been carrying since Ohio when I had a sore throat. We found out why they arrived in a taxi yesterday to the campground. They are on their way to NFL. from Toronto and have car trouble. I hope they get it fixed cheaply and get on their way again. We were on the La Route Verte 8 trail at 8 am. I can read my watch now without adding time to it which is nice. We followed the path all day. It is a great path for mountain bikes but Silver managed okay although I felt it in the neck and arms by the end of the day. We met Stacey who was traveling alone on a Kadon foldable bicycle. She is from Seattle, Washington, but flew to Montreal to ride to Bar Haven, Maine. She calls herself a retired sailor as she worked for the Coast Guard for 5 years and then a whole career with the Fisheries Department. In the morning, poor Blackie suffered from another broken spoke. Pretty soon this bicycle will have more time in upside down position than right side up! We saw a lot of Lac Temiscouata ( means deep everywhere ) We stopped for lunch at a nice place where there was an oat field and a canola field. As you go along the trail, there are many areas called Halte de this and that where there are picnic tables and washrooms. Also there are water places marked also. We had to stop at one red light because we were going to go across part of a golf course. We passed two camping places that had three platforms where you could place your tent. We passed places such as Notre Dame Du Lac, Cabano ( means debarkation place), St. Louis du Ha! Ha! (means Hexcuewaska- something unexpected) Sainte Honore, Reserve Malecite and Whitworth. (Please imagine some accents on some of these names.) Some were off the path and others had the path go right through them. We didn't make it to the last campground but stopped at Halte Lac Chamard where we set up and met Michel, and his daughter, Miyu, and his parents Herve and Ginette, starting out for a bicycle ride. Michel grew up here but is now a teacher in Vancouver and is home visiting his parents. We slept really well there because it was so nice and quiet.
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