A big bridge shortly after leaving Anne who lives in Agen area.
Information about the lateral canal of the Garonne
Back to day 3 of cycling the canal
I had to walk my bicycle here.
View of the Garonne halfway across the bridge
I saw lots of Saturday morning rowing going on . This group is trying to turn around.
Nuclear power
A great view ahead
A church steeple in the distance
Each bridge or pont has a name
I stopped for lunch and saw George, 52 ahead of me. He is Spanish and has been walking for 5 years through Spain, France, Turkey, India, Tibet and other places. When he was younger he got beat up very badly and last the use of his hands and feet and voice for a very long time. He also last memory of all of it. The hospital and his family helped him slowly to regain everything except memory . That is why and when he started walking. He sleeps by a tree. He was cracking chestnuts when I passed him.
He asked how far the nearest town was. I offered to buy him something from the little café there but he said he didn't eat what they served . I gave him my bag of nuts and split my sandwich with him. We talked a lot about faith in God. He is a believer. I think when you have nothing and God provides in mysterious ways you learn to trust. He does stay in some places and works for food and board.
The café
Pique nique spot past café where I had parked
I started seeing many walkers for the first time. After I passed about 20 of them I decided to stop some and ask what was going on. The lady knew some English. I gave them my card and explained the verses on it.
They said they were part of the Chemin de Compostella walkers and many are doing this section today. One of them was a priest and I was able to say what wrong teaching I was taught as a child and that the Bible says different.

Arriving in Moissac and waiting for grocery store to open at 3pm. I couldn't find a parking place for Silver. I wanted to order a drink at a café but a man kept telling me I couldn't park her in several spots. So I went to the next store and God had lead me past the café to the cell phone store that was the answer to my charging problems. They said it was the cord so for 30 Euros I bought a new one. Thank you Lord!
I left Silver parked at the cell phone store across from an ice cream shop. I asked these boys if I paid them could they watch the bicycle while I went in to order. They said they didn't need money but would do so. Afterwards we talked for a while. They are from Toulouse and are here to celebrate the older sin's 16th birthday with a parachute jump. Apparently it went very well. Thank you May God bless your family. From there I did my groceries worrying about Silver because there were so many hikers, bicyclers, young guys and tourists milling about. But she was okay and I headed out to find the campground.
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