Saturday, September 30, 2023

Amsterdam Bicycle Ride

 After I jogwalked this morning I thought that I would bicycle into Amsterdam and back because it has been a while since I have gone for a long ride. I already had the route on Komoot and remembered parts from 5 years ago. I just hoped that I wouldn't get a flat tire.




I think I have photographed this church before.

Into the outskirts of Amsterdam

Only ducks

The Bijenkorf

De Palais de Dam

Old Silver in the center



Lineup all morning for Flemish fries

Example of Amsterdam school art of 1920s with it's straight lines

Pedestrian walk, bicycle path , tramway and roadway clearly delineated

Busy but not overcrowded

The "Josephine"
Central train station
Tour boats leaving

Where to park-not here

Bicycle signs, caution signs, (zebra path for pedestrians), and drempels or bumps to slowdown traffic.

Silver on a canal bridge

Every bridge has a bicycle decorated for Ukraine.

My bicycle and I have travelled far and met many people over the years.

All kinds and varieties of passenger bicycles and working bicycles
The bridges and streets are all lined with bicycles.
All ready for rain


Narrow streets and high buildings similar to France

The Corn weighing house of 1620

A separate building of 1620s where taxes were paid on the corn measured by weight

I found a quiet street by the corn house where Silver could be tied up to the scaffolding next door and the waiter would watch her while I used the toilet facilities.

The smallest cheapest item on the menu was this pizza. I ate a couple pieces and took the rest home.

All bicycles

Fanny Blankers-Koen was a Dutch track and field athlete who won 4 gold medals at the 1948 Olympic Games in London. She was a mother of 2 at the time and became known as  "the flying housewife.".

A heron

A country scene within city limits

It had been a good day. A 45 km ride felt good and seeing the tourist area of Amsterdam with Silver was special.

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