Wednesday, April 30, 2014

14. Europe Bicycle Trip--Sarah to Zanse Schaans, I go to Hoogma Fietsen

After our morning stroll to de Oude Knegt we returned to Margot's and had lunch. After that Margot was to take Sarah to Zanse Schaans where there are many windmills and the houses are all green. I could not go along because my bicycle had arrived at Hoogma Fietsen and my Ome Frits and Tante Thea were to bring me to the bicycle store. I was hoping that the bicycle could then be put together and I could ride it to my cousin, Dick vanderPrijt"s house in Hoofddorp which  is not far from Schiphol airport. The bicycle box was there, looking rough from it's journey and Ome Frits and I lifted Silver out but even though I said that I would help, the owner said that tomorrow was Easter and they were closing early and he wanted to do a good job on the bike so it wouldn't be ready until Monday.I was sad that it meant another trip here. We then went on to see where my cousin's house was in Hoofddorp. I met Dick and his wife Carla. They have a very nice house that he has made from an old farm house. Back then there were no other houses near there. He is a very LEARNED man, formerly in teaching and then administration and now runs his own business with his son doing accounting and taxes. His greatest love, beside Carla, is history, especially church history. Carla works helping people with rehabilitation and coping with changing life problems. We had tea and I was invited to return with the bicycle next week and stay overnight when Sarah flies back to Canada and also at the end of my own trip. What a great feeling all that was.

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