Wednesday, April 16th, 2014
The day is HERE! The hour is NOW! After I type this blog , it will be time to load Emily's truck and head for the airport. I have been waiting for this day since September when I purchased my ticket.
All the bags are packed, the house is clean (the way I would like it when I return), the laundry is all done, three meals are made ahead for Dave, and I have given my travel card and said goodbye to all my friends at worship meeting, Bible study, at the YMCA --fitness center, spin class, pickleball, snorkeling class and swimming--, and book club, and hiking, skiing and snowshoe friends and neighbours.
Thank you to my children, especially Sarah , who is coming with me with little Dane, for keeping me calm and helping with all the planning.
Thank you to Velorution for providing a bicycle box and protective pieces for Silver.
Thank you to Emily for the ride to the airport.
Thank you to Dave for letting me still go on these adventures even though he does not desire to do so anymore.
My prayer is that my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ will lead me to my loving Dutch family, and then on to every person and place that He directs and in His way and time and in safety.
Thinking of you! Got an email from Sarah saying you all arrived safely but started your trip off with quite an adventure from the get-go. You must have been so stressed!!! Love to hear an update - and if you now have your luggage - when you get a chance. Love you!