Wednesday, April 30, 2014

16. Europe Bicycle Trip--Coffee and Overview of Amsterdam First !

Our tour of Amsterdam started first with COFFEE for Margot. We went up to the 11th highest floor of the Hilton Hotel but it was still closed so we had a drink by a street cafe and then after we returned to the top of the Hilton for their outside cafe and had a beautiful overview of the skyline of Amsterdam. From there , we continued in the streets led by our personal guide. Thank you, Margot

15. Europe Bicycle Trip-Happy Easter-Train Ride to Amsterdam

April 20,2014-Day 5-Happy Easter to everyone. Margot had the breakfast table set very festive. Then we drove to Uitgeest and hopped on the train to Amsterdam where Margot would give us a walking tour.
Easter morning breakfast
Margot and Dane on the train
Central train station-Amsterdam

14. Europe Bicycle Trip--Sarah to Zanse Schaans, I go to Hoogma Fietsen

After our morning stroll to de Oude Knegt we returned to Margot's and had lunch. After that Margot was to take Sarah to Zanse Schaans where there are many windmills and the houses are all green. I could not go along because my bicycle had arrived at Hoogma Fietsen and my Ome Frits and Tante Thea were to bring me to the bicycle store. I was hoping that the bicycle could then be put together and I could ride it to my cousin, Dick vanderPrijt"s house in Hoofddorp which  is not far from Schiphol airport. The bicycle box was there, looking rough from it's journey and Ome Frits and I lifted Silver out but even though I said that I would help, the owner said that tomorrow was Easter and they were closing early and he wanted to do a good job on the bike so it wouldn't be ready until Monday.I was sad that it meant another trip here. We then went on to see where my cousin's house was in Hoofddorp. I met Dick and his wife Carla. They have a very nice house that he has made from an old farm house. Back then there were no other houses near there. He is a very LEARNED man, formerly in teaching and then administration and now runs his own business with his son doing accounting and taxes. His greatest love, beside Carla, is history, especially church history. Carla works helping people with rehabilitation and coping with changing life problems. We had tea and I was invited to return with the bicycle next week and stay overnight when Sarah flies back to Canada and also at the end of my own trip. What a great feeling all that was.

13. Europe Bicycle Trip--Molen de Oude K'negt of Akerslot

This windmill is on the outskirts of Akerslot
Working on the blade
With Margot, Sarah and Dane
Theo Visser, the old windmill man (molenaar) made us a cup of tea and we had a pleasant conversation together.

Weighing the flour and Dane
The grain has been ground into flour that the local bakeries use.Thomas is a student learning the workings of the mill.
The gears
The very oldest way-grinding stone on stone by hand

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

12. Europe Bicycle Trip--A morning stroll around Akersloot

This morning, on Sat.April 19 (although it is April 29th as I type this), We went with Margot for a stroll around Akersloot finishing with a tour of a windmill (next blog). It was a fresh, cool morning with a little wind. We walked to the lake and that it when I found out that my suitcase had arrived in Holland. I jumped for joy. We were to expect it today sometime. We passed the area where Margot brings her school children to play and many cyclists went by that were doing a long 100km. ride. I danced in front of the man playing the accordion for the bicyclers at their refreshment stop. We stopped at the bakery to say hello to Margot's daughter Linde who was working. It was busy. The butcher shop where another daughter, Inge, works was even busier so we just said hello. We also passed a man who had built his own boat. All the houses are neat with tidy little yards. Then we came to the windmill after passing many houses with horse decorations on them.

Alkmarder Meer

Ladies first!

For Andy and David
For David
Music man--I did a dance to his music.
Typical Street

Monday, April 28, 2014

11. Europe Bicycle Trip-Ome Frits and Tante Thea's Apartment

After our car and walking tour of Beeckestijn, we headed to Ome Frits and Tante Thea's apartment where we were to have supper. However, since my suitcase might be delivered to Margot's house and she could not come here, it was decided to pack up the supper prepared by Tante Thea and bring it to Ackersloot. No sui9tcase had arrived but supper was delicious! Thank you so much Ome Frits and Tante Thea for a lovely day!!!

Tante Thea in her beautiful kitchen. I like how the fridge looks just like kitchen cupboards.

The dining area with a lovely view of the park.
The study with Ome Frits desk from when he worked-specially designed for his neck problem.
The bathroom (WC)

A delicious meal-thank you so much!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

10. Europe Bicycle Trip-The Grounds of Beeckestijn

We had a lovely walk through the grounds of Beeckestijn and took many photos.

The curved wall  to protect the herb garden from the wind.
The herb garden-the herbs are used in the restaurant.