Saturday, June 28, 2014

126. Europe Bicycle Trip--A Frustrating Day in Germany Heading to Neuss

Today is a big day as I am heading out of Velden, then on to Venlo and then east out of the Netherlands to go to Neuss, Germany to the Kaulen family and to plan my trip of the Rhine River. It is Day 45 of my trip--half way point--Saturday, the last day of May-May 31st--Time is flying by quickly!!
Hank and Ria--thank you for your hospitality. I will pray for Ria to get better so you both can go to  Gambia again.
A big breakfast with lots of choices.
No cows want to get up this morning in Netherlands.
The Maas River by Venlo
This path was impossible to ride and I gave up and walked.
The  Limburg Museum was closed this early in the morning.
A covered mail scooter
.No German cows want to get up either!
A German gentleman!
German hay soldiers
I had no map of Germany and no bicycle numbers. I knew the cities I wanted to come to but was very used to following bicycle paths and numbers like in the Netherlands. I did well to get to Leuth, Germany  but after that I got lost a lot and found that when I changed direction all the time, it took the GPS a long time to reset it's direction. I decided I needed a map to go with the GPS and started looking where I might get one. I tried a bicycle store and had no luck because they could not speak Dutch or English. I was exasperated in Viersen and totally lost in the bush a few times. The elderly people I talked to did not know English and so I decided to only speak to young ones and 2 of them helped me out.   Finally I found a bookstore and walked my bicycle right into the store which wasn't busy yet and the salesgirl and I looked at myriads of maps before we found a suitable one for the area I was to cover. I was lost forever in Viersen and so happy when I found a "yellow road".  The yellow roads all have bicycle paths next to them and once I was on the first one , I had no more trouble finding my way to Neuss. No more zigzag bicycle paths for me today.
An orange postlady
This field smelled like strawberries but I have never seen strawberries put into a bushel basket.
Sugar beets
Bushes and small trees
Hooray! I arrived in Neuss. Thank you, lord.

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