Saturday, May 10, 2014

53. Europe Bicycle Trip-Day 17 afternoon--Apple Tart and Bicycle Paths

We stopped at lunch at a little cafe next to a busy "camperen bouderij "-farm camping. we had a delicious piece of apple tart with whipping cream and tea and coffee.
We had a nice spot in the sun and enjoyed our dessert (We ate our lunch later at suppertime.)
A crate full of old "klompen"
Old spice or coffee grinders
Twin spotted lambs
Cycling along! Then stopping for Mary Ann to take a photo.
A water tower
This was a very narrow bicycle path (also part of the knooppunten system) leading away from the water tower through the field with sheep.
Closing the gate behind you is very important.
A good day for sailing school
Sky Gliding
This road is for cars and bicycles. We were riding into a strong wind.
Soccer balls

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Mom!! So nice you got to ride so much with eachother!
