After the tours, Mick and Sofie cycled with me for many kilometers. It was nice to have company
The wind was in our faces. Finally on top of a bridge we said our goodbyes. Mick used my camera for a picture but I noticed later it did not work. He did not press hard enough. It happens a lot. Thank you so very much for your generous hospitality Mick and Sofie. You outdid yourselves. I would recommend you to all tourerd. May God bless you.
I rode along the canal all day and passed MANY cyclists. I met Mario and Magali when I stopped for my lunch. They were out for a 10lm hike.
I arrived at Sanne's house just before she was ready to leave with her sister to a birthday party. She quickly showed me everything and we said goodbye. I unpacked and put Silver in the garage
I showered and did requests because when I went to do some Komoot plans it showed one of my hosts 300km away. Later I got dressed to go to the store but it started raining so I stayed and just ate some cheese and raisin bread. I tried to catch up on everything.
Sanne's living room
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