Today is Day 78. It is Thursday, July 3rd and I will cycle from Cecile's house in Hoogerheide to another Friend of the Bicycle address in Middleburg in the province of Zeeland.
When I woke up this morning and used the washroom downstairs, the sink tap had a problem and wouldn't stop running water. I couldn't fix it so I RAN upstairs and woke up Cecile who probably thought that I was crazy. She came down and finally the water stopped but not before there was a big puddle on the floor.Cecile informed me that she had a worker in a couple of days ago to fix it and she would call him back. Oh , I felt so bad! I mopped up the best I could and then we had breakfast of eggs, toast and tea and I packed Silver. Thank you for everything, Cecile and goodbye. |
A little too much soccer enthusiasm here |
Watering a potato field |
One of the few overpasses that I get to bicycle over |
Lots of modern windmills |
Crops, dikes, windmills, blue skies |
Panorama of this area |
Windmills all in a row |
Barge traffic |
The Bathseweg |
Looking down at the Schelde Rijnverbinding Canal which runs north from Antwerp, Belgium. |
First view of the Westerschelde, the body of water between South Beveland, and Zeelandic Flanders |
I am up on a dike looking down at Silver and the nice winding, quiet road that I was following. |
T |
I had just passed a little village. |
The bicycle map knooppunten went away from the water for a while so that everyone would see the big business of Limagrain. Limagrain is an international agricultural co-operative group specializing in field seeds, vegetable seeds and cereal products. it was founded and managed by French farmers. it is the 4th largest seed company in the world. Annual sales are 1.9 billion Euros and 8,200 workers. |
I was bicycling into the wind today. This hedge is a protector for the pear trees behind it. |
I was happy to get back along the water again. |
In the Netherlands, sheep are used to keep the grass on the dikes at a good level. |
I came to the village of Waarde.which has 1,221 residents. |
There are many boats out in the distance where the water is deeper. |
The Zuid-Zeeland Canal |
At first one side was blocked and finally I went back to the road and e lockcrossed at the other end of the lock. |
Everything is so neat and tidy! I guess because they don't have as much wilderness area as we do. It looks like you had mostly nice weather for your travels.