Wisconsin Bicycle Trip, Day 21,Saturday, August 3, 2013
Lac Vieux Desert National Forest Campground to Boulder Junction and home of Al and Lois Smith
53.26 km in 3 hr 7 min.
It was freezing COLD this morning. I couldn’t get warm even with arm and leg warmers. I had sent most of my warm clothes to Ashland during the hot spell when my back rim cracked. I was told I could return by another way but couldn’t see it clearly on the GPS so I decided to retrace my ride back to E and then to Hwy 45. It wasn’t too busy. There was another plaque about the Wisconsin River where it crosses this highway. I also took photos of the river. I turned left at County Rd. B and came to the town of Land O’ Lakes which was quite busy this morning due to a community garage sale .There were parts of a paved bicycle path here and there along the road and even out into the country. When it followed the highway I followed it and when it veered away I didn’t except one place where I asked two bicyclists about a section they had just finished. Apparently it was brand new and would take me off the highway around some curves. It was in a lovely wooded area but it was up and down and curvy and did add to my distance. At one spot, 2 deer came bounding through the bush toward the path and when we saw each other , they stopped and looked and I said out loud, ”Don’t you 2 run in front of me!” and they ran off in the other direction. I guess that even if it was longer, it is still safer. That was the last one anyway. I had a stretching stop at 2 hrs. and also ate Half of a Power Bar. I surprised myself at reaching M fast even with some wind and hills! Well, I flew south down County M with the wind on my back. About 4 miles out of Boulder, they have started a new bicycle path. It is levelled and has the gravel and is waiting for paving. As I came into town , I looked for Ala dn Lois ‘ home and Taxidermy Store but went through town and didn’t see it. At one point, I heard a voice from across the street yell out “ How do you like Boulder Junction?” but I didn’t see the person as I was watching the traffic but I called out, ”I like it.” I reached the end of the street and thought I would ask at the Post Office but it was closed. Next door was a little flea market so I called out< Is there anyone here from Boulder Junction? And only 1 lady in the garage raised her hand. When I asked about the Smith’s ,she said I passed it when I came into town. Well on the way back , the man that had yelled out got my attention and guess who it was???? It was John Cooper and his family that I had met 2 days before at the Autobody shop. We had a happy reunion, talked for a while and took a photo. After I passed an Antique shop, and looked down the long driveway, I remembered that their house was set back AND WHEN A LITTLE BROWN Dachshund dog started barking , I knew this was the place for I had met Oscar in Ashland a couple of years ago. Then I also knew that someone was home and said a quick “Thank You, Lord” . Lois came to the door and I said hello and apologized that I hadn’t notified her in advance because she has changed her telephone number and email address. She invited me in . Her grand children, Rex and Ian , from Sweden have been here for a month and are flying home from Chicago tomorrow. It was Ian’s 6th birthday and Lois’ 3 sisters were coming to visit to celebrate. In the last few years ,Lois has opened an Antique store where Al used to have the taxidermy place. It is a storefront building and the house they live in is set way back from it. I showered and ate lunch watching Ian make his birthday Lego vehicles. Then I went to see Lois in her shop. It is very nice and she has everything nicely displayed. While there , her sisters Judy,73 , Karen,71, (Lois,69) and Susie,62,and single) came in. Later I went for a walk with Karen downtown which was very busy with tourists. She raised her children alone (husband -JW) and has helped with a brother who passed away and her father who lived until 97. It was her birthday yesterday so I bought her an ice cream cone before we returned. Later I went for a walk with Judy, the oldest. She does some bicycling and with her husband she motorcycles and snowmobiles. They volunteer at a ski hill and the local historical society. She is well travelled and has been to the Sault and Wawa and many places in Upper Michigan that I have been to. Al came home from his new work as a golf course monitor and we all sat down to supper and then had a birthday cake and ice cream and presents . After the sisters left, Al and Lois packed the suitcases , the boys went to bed and we cut some fruit for tomorrow.
I will stay and go to worship meeting with them tomorrow and take a rest day.

Lac Vieux Desert National Forest Campground to Boulder Junction and home of Al and Lois Smith
53.26 km in 3 hr 7 min.
It was freezing COLD this morning. I couldn’t get warm even with arm and leg warmers. I had sent most of my warm clothes to Ashland during the hot spell when my back rim cracked. I was told I could return by another way but couldn’t see it clearly on the GPS so I decided to retrace my ride back to E and then to Hwy 45. It wasn’t too busy. There was another plaque about the Wisconsin River where it crosses this highway. I also took photos of the river. I turned left at County Rd. B and came to the town of Land O’ Lakes which was quite busy this morning due to a community garage sale .There were parts of a paved bicycle path here and there along the road and even out into the country. When it followed the highway I followed it and when it veered away I didn’t except one place where I asked two bicyclists about a section they had just finished. Apparently it was brand new and would take me off the highway around some curves. It was in a lovely wooded area but it was up and down and curvy and did add to my distance. At one spot, 2 deer came bounding through the bush toward the path and when we saw each other , they stopped and looked and I said out loud, ”Don’t you 2 run in front of me!” and they ran off in the other direction. I guess that even if it was longer, it is still safer. That was the last one anyway. I had a stretching stop at 2 hrs. and also ate Half of a Power Bar. I surprised myself at reaching M fast even with some wind and hills! Well, I flew south down County M with the wind on my back. About 4 miles out of Boulder, they have started a new bicycle path. It is levelled and has the gravel and is waiting for paving. As I came into town , I looked for Ala dn Lois ‘ home and Taxidermy Store but went through town and didn’t see it. At one point, I heard a voice from across the street yell out “ How do you like Boulder Junction?” but I didn’t see the person as I was watching the traffic but I called out, ”I like it.” I reached the end of the street and thought I would ask at the Post Office but it was closed. Next door was a little flea market so I called out< Is there anyone here from Boulder Junction? And only 1 lady in the garage raised her hand. When I asked about the Smith’s ,she said I passed it when I came into town. Well on the way back , the man that had yelled out got my attention and guess who it was???? It was John Cooper and his family that I had met 2 days before at the Autobody shop. We had a happy reunion, talked for a while and took a photo. After I passed an Antique shop, and looked down the long driveway, I remembered that their house was set back AND WHEN A LITTLE BROWN Dachshund dog started barking , I knew this was the place for I had met Oscar in Ashland a couple of years ago. Then I also knew that someone was home and said a quick “Thank You, Lord” . Lois came to the door and I said hello and apologized that I hadn’t notified her in advance because she has changed her telephone number and email address. She invited me in . Her grand children, Rex and Ian , from Sweden have been here for a month and are flying home from Chicago tomorrow. It was Ian’s 6th birthday and Lois’ 3 sisters were coming to visit to celebrate. In the last few years ,Lois has opened an Antique store where Al used to have the taxidermy place. It is a storefront building and the house they live in is set way back from it. I showered and ate lunch watching Ian make his birthday Lego vehicles. Then I went to see Lois in her shop. It is very nice and she has everything nicely displayed. While there , her sisters Judy,73 , Karen,71, (Lois,69) and Susie,62,and single) came in. Later I went for a walk with Karen downtown which was very busy with tourists. She raised her children alone (husband -JW) and has helped with a brother who passed away and her father who lived until 97. It was her birthday yesterday so I bought her an ice cream cone before we returned. Later I went for a walk with Judy, the oldest. She does some bicycling and with her husband she motorcycles and snowmobiles. They volunteer at a ski hill and the local historical society. She is well travelled and has been to the Sault and Wawa and many places in Upper Michigan that I have been to. Al came home from his new work as a golf course monitor and we all sat down to supper and then had a birthday cake and ice cream and presents . After the sisters left, Al and Lois packed the suitcases , the boys went to bed and we cut some fruit for tomorrow.
I will stay and go to worship meeting with them tomorrow and take a rest day.
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