Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Thank you Dick and Carla

Thank you Dick and Carla. Without your generous help and hospitality to me, my trips could never happen. You have helped me at the airport by picking Silver and I up in your vehicle and you have provided a nice attic bedroom in your home as well as meals and friendship at the beginning and at the end of my journeys.
Their home and garden are like a little private paradise.

Living room with desk extension that was added on. 
Other side of living room

The vander"PRIJT" family crest

Scabbard - Dick's area of expertise is medieval history.


The table remembering loved ones who have died

Dining room

A painting done by one of Dick's teachers and gifted to Dick after he graduated.

Wedding photos 

View to the backyard from dining room
The kitchen is very modern

Other view

The backyard is impeccably landscaped.

The fish pond

The hedge

Back deck

Stairs to garage

Fish pond

Stairs to garden

Archway over driveway
                  The castle, "Prijtenstein" , built by Dick's father, and known  to us as our Ome Cor
Dick carved this dagger out of this downed tree. 

Carla is a very happy , fun person to be with.
Dick and I have really good talks with one another.

We had a meal out together. I wanted to thank them for their kindness to me.

It was in a Chinese restaurant.

Appetizer for Carla

Egg roll for me which I split with Dick because it was so big. I also had vegetable soup and Dick had tomato soup.

The bicycle and suitcase are packed and after 84 days it is time to say goodbye. I will miss the company of Carla in the house and helping with the grandchildren, Riley and Fayen.

Thank you so much for all you have done for me, Carla! Cooking, laundry, visiting your mother and babysitting--you are a busy lady! May God bless you!

Thank you for your generosity towards me, Dick. You are a very caring, kind and intelligent man. Your knowledge of history and languages amazes me.

May God bless you and how you are personally bettering the lives of some people in Senegal and Gambia.
With Sepp


Dick and Carla's son, Marnix
Marnix works in the office of his father as an accountant. He is an expert on airplanes and always helps me with my checkin procedure.

Bart works in the office and sat beside me for lunch every day.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Cousin Cook and his Tiny House

Cousin Dick and his brother, Cook
Five years ago when I came to the Netherlands, my cousin, Cook had renovated a tulip shed into a beautiful home and it was full of his clock collections. It was done under a government program to save old tulip bulb sheds. Cook had incorporated parts of the old bulb shelves and bins and had added modern parts as well.

During Covid Cook researched into Tiny Houses. Then he built a small model and finally the actual size tiny house.


Work on the interior

First work on the outside

His wife Frances working on the bedrooms

Still looks very spacious

The inside terrace can be folded in.

During building phase

Bathroom and shower

Bathroom sinks

Finished outside

Looking to the side at what used to be the dahlia field

The table has room for 6.

The table top is laminated with all the photos of the building process.

Cook and Frances' daughter, Tjesca is 14 years old.

Frances  helps with all the building and painting.

Modern kitchen with hideaway drawers and cupboards.

High ceiling and stairs to two bedrooms

Couch with stairs behind

The terrace windows and floor all slide back into main body of home.

Funny Cook!

He is a talented, busy, humourous  guy.
Cook, Tjesca, myself, Dick, Carla and Frances

Selfie by Dennis who is suffering from Bell's Palsy the last week.

Three cousins all born in the same house of our grandmother

I was the honoured guest.

With the two couples

Dennis, mtself and Tjesca

            Tjesca standing on her head.  

Congratulations Cook and Frances. You did a GREAT job on your TINY HOUSE. May God bless you.

The greenhouses

Where Dennis lives

Dennis owns the land and has built this big pond.

Where Dick used to live

The front facing the driveway